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Why I Chose the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA)


Do you have a passion for nutrition and helping others? Considering a career change to become a health coach or nutritionist?

Or maybe you are just interested in how I was trained? Read on!

My entire life has centered around nutrition + fitness.

Although not always necessarily in the healthiest manner, my journey has lead me to this holistic nutrition path and I am grateful for every step! I have started to find the power + lessons in my disordered eating past.

I receive frequent emails, messages, and questions about my nutrition education and the the reasons why I chose the I'm putting it all together for you right here!

First of all, I am a Nutritional Therapy Consultant (NTC) certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA). The NTA also has a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) program.

My NTA Story

Honestly, when I signed up for the NTC program, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had finished a business leadership graduate program in August 2014. I love school and learning, and I was kicking myself for not going back to become an RD...but since I had just finished my MS, I needed other options that weren't as: (a) expensive (b) long. Truthfully, I never agreed with all the government recommendations, nor did I want to work in a hospital, nursing home, etc.

I was already positioning myself as someone to turn to for nutrition advice because I was a fitness instructor and leading health challenges. I really was looking for more training because I did not feel confident or comfortable helping others when my personal nutrition training was really the internet + magazine articles, fitness program pamphlets, or the advice of others...and maybe some nutrition books, like Eat Clean by Tosca Reno...who happens to be an NTP ;).

I had been a huge fan of the Balanced Bites Podcast for almost a year at this point and knew that Liz Wolfe was a NTP. I looked up the program and was really impressed with the curriculum. I started to do research and looked up some other programs, but none seemed to align with my own beliefs as much as the NTA, so I just decided to go for it!

I signed up for the February 2015 Las Vegas program never really believing that it would become my new career path...I thought it was just going to be a hobby or something I studied (I was teaching high school math online at the time). It was, hands-down, the BEST decision I ever made.

Here are a few reasons why I ended up choosing the NTA over the other programs I researched.

The Intention

Immediately, I loved a lot of the information I read on the Nutritional Therapy Association's website. Here are a couple paragraphs:

"The Nutritional Therapist Training (NTT) Programs are unique because they are based on a foundational approach to nutrition. We offer specific tools for assessing the body’s nutritional deficiencies and will teach you how to address those weaknesses through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes. In addition to our foundational approach, the NTT programs emphasize three additional perspectives:

First is the allegiance to the teachings of such pioneering greats as Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr. two of the greatest scientific minds ever to research nutrition, food and its’ effects on modern society. Their work is the basis for NTA’s core belief in properly prepared, nutrient dense whole foods.

Second is NTA’s fundamental belief in bio-individuality; our genetic and geographical makeup can determine our unique nutritional needs.

Third, we offer a system of evaluative measurements that help identify nutritional weaknesses in the body. Our Functional Evaluation technique allows the Practitioner to address the nutritional needs of their clients, assess their biochemical individuality and make tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations."

Here's another excerpt that really impressed me:


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller

At NTA, we believe that all nutritional schools play for the same team, in that we’re offering certificate programs to interested individuals seeking to fill a large need. We have a shared goal of supporting wellness through proper bio-individual nutrition. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners and Consultants along with other nutritional school graduates receive quality, distinct, and complementary educations. NTA also believes our program has unique characteristics that set us apart from other schools by providing strong clinical skills and evaluation procedures that are unique in our industry. As a certified member of the National Association of Nutritional Professionals, we support the work of all NANP certified schools.

Some of our NTPs and NTCs have been through other programs and valued what they received from each program. Having a variety of different programs available to potential students mean that people can find the one that works for them. More training options for individuals seeking authentic nutritional training only help to legitimize the work of all organizations and their graduates. The need is so great for people to receive nutritional training and for the public to see professionals with more in-depth training in nutrition that we all have a long way to go. NTA actively seeks partnerships with other training, certification, and academic programs."

The Curriculum

The course was intense. We were challenged and tested to make sure we understood and could apply the information. Module quizzes, book reviews, community outreach project, client-practitioner folders, midterm & final.

The recommended course load was 15-20 hours a week, and that was NO exaggeration. I was working full-time for most of the program and it was tough, but doable if you managed your time.

Plus, there was AMAZING support throughout the program from our fabulous instructors and group leaders. They were amazing in ensuring our success.

NTA Foundations

Here is a list of the course modules:

Module 1: Basics of Nutrition

Module 2: Client Consultation Process

Module 3: Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

Module 4: Digestion

Module 5: Blood Sugar Regulation

Module 6: Essential Fatty Acid Balance

Module 7: Mineral Balance

Module 8: Urinary System & Hydration

Module 9: Endocrine System

Module 10: Allergies & Immune Weaknesses

Module 11: Cardiovascular System

Module 12: Nutritional Detoxification

Module 13: Applied Nutritional Therapy

Module 14: Business Basics

Module 15: Beyond the Foundations (Sports Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, Popular Diets, Fertility, Probiotics, Enzymes)

The Structure

The course is completed online with 1 (NTC) or 3 (NTP) in-person workshops.

I work well in an online environment - I am motivated and driven, especially when I love material I'm doing/studying - and being able to take the course from home was very appealing.

I did LOVE the in-person weekend workshop we had in Las Vegas. It was a great experience to actually meet the instructors and other students in the class in-person.

In fact, I made so many great connections that two of my fellow NTCs and now best girlfriends, Dana and Joy, are my co-hosts for our podcast, The Ladies Dish! My practitioner was also with one of our group leaders, Ellen from A Balanced Table. My life would be SO different if these women weren't in my life!

The Support

As I mentioned above, we had great instructors and group leaders...not to mention the other students in my cohort were awesome and we still stay in touch.

The NTP/NTC community is one of the most supportive communities post graduation, which I know is not the case with other programs. While I was confident I could work with clients post graduation, I felt even more comfortable knowing I could turn to the community if I had further questions.

The NTA also holds an NTA conference every year and has several opportunities and resources for graduates, especially for CEU (Continuing Education Credits).


Overall, I was super impressed with the education I got from the NTA and I am so proud to say I am an NTC.

My entire life is different because of this program.

As I mentioned, I was teaching high school math online while I was completing my NTC. I was laid-off in July 2015 and graduated from the NTC program in October 2015. Instead of looking for a new job, I was determined to make my nutrition practice my new career. It ended up being such a blessing!


Want to know EVEN MORE?

Dana, Joy, and I recorded a podcast episode about our experience with the NTA.


Interested in the NTA yourself?

WINTER 2018 - Class begins February 12th, 2018 (last day for enrollment!).

and make sure you let them know that Kate Markovitz sent you!



Shoot me an email. I'm happy to answer your question! :)

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