The practice of detoxification has been around for thousands of years. Dana & Joy dish about their favorite gentle, daily detox routines that help support your whole body and especially your liver. || Full show notes & cheesy cauliflower recipe at the | Get in touch:
IN THIS EPISODE: Welcome to The Ladies Dish Podcast!
Catching Up (2:25) Joy went to NYC for an event with the Get it Done Gals - Nicole and Lindsey and had an AMAZING day! If you’re building a business – check them out on Instagram or Facebook!
Joy wants to update her answer to last week’s interview game question about what’s your favorite summer jam. She TOTALLY forgot about…OAR! Anything OAR makes her so happy!
Dana is hosting a 21 DSD group starting on June 6!! Hop on Dana’s detox train by getting info here!
Interview Game Question What is one thing you cannot live without?
Joy totally thought Dana was going to say POTATOES! But alas, she did not.
What’s Cookin’? (13:00)
Joy shares her take on a grain-free mac and cheese recipe which funny enough has no mac and no cheese. It’s her “Cheesy” Cauliflower recipe – grab it here!
Today’s Show (14:25)
Today we’re talking all about daily detox tools!
What do we mean by detox? (14:45)
Did you know that the practice of detoxification has been around for THOUSANDS of years.
Here’s the thing: Sometimes it is necessary for us to help our body detox.
We don’t recommend a SERIOUS liver cleanse or detox until you have spent about 3 months or so working on the foundations of digestion. You NEED all of your elimination pathways to be clear (no constipation, regular daily bowel movements), sleep needs be regulated, blood sugar needs to be stable and then a deeper cleanse can be more manageable.
The following daily detox tools would be a good way to support your liver and whole body in a gentler way (12:23)
1. Sleep 2. Hydration – filter your water! At the very least, something like PUR or Brita filters work relatively well. Or upgrade to a top-rated filter like the Berkey or Clearly Filtered products. For Apple Cider Vinegar – we love Braggs! 3. Dry brushing – exercise for your skin!
4. Rebounders (mini trampolines) or any jumping exercises. 5. Massage 6. Sauna (or at least daily sweating!) 7. Tongue Scraping 8. Oil Pulling 9. Epsom Salt Baths – Dana loves Dr. Teals brand and Joy’s loves this one. 10. Make your home healthy – check out Joy’s post with some DIY recipes or Megan & Alex’s Toxic Home Makeover guide. 11. Activated Charcoal – Dana loves this brand. And if you want to use it externally – check out joy’s detox mask that you can use on your face AND your armpits.
Joy shared her detox mask on snapchat! Follow her at Joy.Scott for a sneak peek into her daily life.
Two detox options for you if you want some online detox coaching:
1. Healthy Ginger’s Seasonal Detoxes 2. A 21 DSD with one of your favorite Ladies Dish cohosts. At the airing of this episode, Dana has one coming up!
Thank you for joining us this week for Episode 28. Remember to subscribe in iTunes so you don’t miss a future episode!
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