It's been awhile since I've had the energy to write a blog post of my own, but a few have requested I share my daily beauty routine and now that I'm starting to feel like myself (yay 21 weeks later!), I figured it should be my first blog post "back."
My beauty routine before finding Beautycounter was actually pretty simple. I used homemade soap from a girlfriend (who sadly doesn't make it anymore) and I used coconut oil as a "lotion/moisturizer."
Now, I'm not claiming I had the best skin... but I didn't put that much thought or effort into it either. Previous to that routine, I was probably using Neutrogena or Clearasil products, so I figured I was making steps in the non-toxic direction.
When I started hearing about Beautycounter and this magic "charcoal soap," I was super intrigued. I always had hormonal break-outs and if this soap could help eliminate them quicker, I was willing to give it a shot.
Annnnnd that's how I ended up on the Beautycounter wagon. It started with the soap... then the mask... and then I was signing up to share the good news as a consultant (and get discounts!) I'm so glad I did because my clients have been loving their experiences with the products as well.
Now, you'll find that my routine is still relatively simple, but I do use primarily Beautycounter products... but I must admit, my skin has been looking better and better! (Despite the raging pregnancy hormones!)

So here's my daily routine...
First, I wash my face with Beautycounter's Nourishing Cream Cleanser. It doesn't get real soapy and I like the way it feels like it is moisturizing my face at the same time.
Then, I use the Beautycounter Soothing Oil. I use 3 drops - 1 on each cheek and 1 on my forehead. I rub that in and let it soak before I put on any makeup (which I typically do not day to day). If I DO need to put on makeup right away, sometimes I will switch this to the evening. Side note: I usually use a bronzer as my "base foundation" unless its a special event.
I also use the Beautycounter Rejuvenating Eye Cream. I truly love this product and reallllllly think it has made a difference in the appearance of lines around my eyes and keeping a "youthful" look.
At night, I wash my face with the Beautycounter Charcoal Soap. I find that I can only use this once a day or else my skin does tend to get dry.
I then use the Beautycounter Cleansing Balm (this balm is AMAZING... I actually think I need this more than the soap!). The Cleansing balm is fantastic for removing any leftover makeup (especially mascara!) that the soap did not remove, as well as a great moisturizer.
Finally, I use either the Beautycounter Rejuvenating Night Cream or Dragonfly Tradition's Night Cream. My skin soaks it up and I wake up with skin feeling like a baby's bottom ;)
Depending when I shower (ok, that sounds sketchy...), I will use FatCo's Cleansing Oil on my face to allow it to "steam" in the shower before wiping it off. I typically do this if it's a shower after a workout - I just feel cleaner :) Otherwise, I use the charcoal bar on my face in the shower.
I've recently started using the Citrus Mimosa Body Bar on my body and love it! It smells so delicious.
I do enjoy a good mask 1-2 times a week as a way to pamper myself. Of course, my favorite is the Beautycounter Charcoal Mask, however my dear friend Joy got me an Andalou naturals mask for Christmas and I did love it! I haven't found them in stores near me yet, so I may alternate.
I also use the charcoal mask as a spot treatment overnight if I have a "bigger" or more stubborn breakout. Just dab a little on before hittin' the hay and rinse it off with warm water in the morning.
A few other products I want to shout-out because I love them: FatCo's Fat Stick, which I keep in the car especially during the wintertime and Dragonfly Tradition's Dragonfly Lips Lip Balm.
If you want to sample any of these Beautycounter products, feel free to contact me! :) I've been getting some rave reviews from my girlfriends about their experiences with the products:
"I love the face oil! I look younger now than I did when I was 20. Thanks girlfriend!"
"She totally complimented my skin ladies! I was like, props to beautycounter!"
"I'm loving the BC oil! I noticed a texture difference Esp. around my eyes"