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7.25.16: Find Your Peace


Weekly Mantra | Find Your Peace

"peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." (unknown)

I'm not sure about you, but that quote gives me chills!

PEACE was one of my core desired feelings at the beginning of the year (I wrote about them here). I did the activity again YESTERDAY with my Mindfull Makeover ladies. This time I got:


So to bring up the Desire Map's burning question...

"How do you want to feel?"

When I hear that question, I think of the above response. "BE calm in your heart."

I don't aim to control everything around me, or stop the activities in my life...I enjoy having "things" to do - but I want to be calm in my heart to enjoy them (rather than rushing to the next).

This may look different for you..but I urge you to FIND YOUR PEACE and enjoy this week :)

xo, kate

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