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Week 1 Recap of the #tricksNOTtreats 21 Day Sugar Detox


Day 1 - Monday, October 5th through Day 7 - Sunday, October 12th

Here we are at the end of week 1 : )

Being that this is my THIRD time through the program, I sorta knew what to expect, however I threw in some curveballs this time.

x I cut out caffeine (aka no more of my morning coffee..booooo - this is actually the HARDEST part for me right now)

x I am completing as a Level 3 with Autoimmune Modifications.

(Side note: this combo sucks! No eggs, no nuts & seeds, no nightshade veggies/spices!)

I am not "diagnoised" with an Autoimmune condition, however I have several AI suspicions. And I am working very hard to completely heal my gut and support my immune system, so I figured why not!

Well, it has been 7 days without the mentioned foods...but I feel pretty fabulous. Yet I would prrrrrrrobably hurt someone for some trail mix right now. OR some almond butter. OR an omlette. OR some peppers IN my omelette. My mouth is watering.

Anywho...I've been creating a video diary of my progress over on Periscope (@katemarkovitz). As if I haven't mentioned that enough on my social media channels these days! ;) However, since doesn't work with my periscope, I have been saving them and uploading the videos to YouTube ---> If you want to hear more about my day to day experience (and some recipes thrown in there), check it out:

ALSO, I'm VERY excited to announce that I have signed up to become a 21DSD Certified Coach. I love this program, and it has made such an impact on my life, I feel like this is the best way to pay it forward! I am most interested in doing this program as a corporate wellness program, or possibly in gyms and schools for teachers. I have a FABULOUS online group going right now #tricksNOTtreats and I can't wait to have even more tools from the creator herself to implement.

So what did we enjoy week 1?

From the 21DSD book, I made the Beef Bone Broth (on periscope), Kale Chips, Jerky, Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs (on periscope), Mashed Cauliflower, Balsamic-Braised Beef Short Ribs (on periscope), and variations of the Coconut favorite being a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. I also made delicious salads all week and soups from the beef broth. Many of the days I did not have all of the optional fruit, but I think I'm going to try to have them this week.

Instead of my coffee, I've been having Traditional Medicinals "Every Day Detox." I don't love the taste, but with a squeeze of lemon, it is doing the trick. I also think it really helping my liver through this process!

Here are some pics of our food from the week!

How do I feel?

Not going to lie, day 2 was SUPER difficult. I had a headache majority of the day and I was afraid I was going to feel that awful the entire I chugged water all day and tried to entertain myself.

I have noticed some break-outs around my chin and cheek, but hoping these will go away soon!

I had a wonderful day 3 but noticed that cravings snuck in this weekend...especially for nut butters, a glass of wine when we were at dinner on Saturday night (day 6), and a good pumpkin cheesecake.

I have been sleeping like a baby (with the exception of last night, and I can thank my furbaby for that disruption). I am a person that usually does not get enough sleep, or I have the tendency to wake up in the middle of the night worrying about something. Throughout this detox, I have been sleeping ALL night and I have been waking up very rested. I also have been fine with energy throughout the day, although I haven't tried many vigorous workouts.

I am excited to see how Week 2 goes and I know I will be feeling really great by this time next week!

Live Life Well,

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