Let's Get This Party Started!
Congratulations on taking one of the first steps to finding food freedom!! CRAVINGS BE GONE!
What others have said:
Please follow the THREE STEPS below to completely register for my upcoming 21Day Sugar Detox.
Step Three: Purchase Materials
STEP ONE: Registration
Please check back for the registration form closer to the start date!
Still have lingering questions before signing up? Totally cool! Contact me here to ask your question.
I can 100% say that never in my wildest dreams would this peanut butter cup loving girl would be able to go 21 days without sugar, but I did it!
I felt like some of us formed a little "family" during this detox and I am truly going to miss hearing from everyone on a daily basis. I would ABSOLUTELY do this detox again!
Next Start Date:
October 10th with
Joy of Joybird Wellness!
STEP TWO: Group Fee
The cost to participate in the group is $60 for your first group [$45 if you want to join a group later!]
Cash or Check? Email me about your request by clicking here.
STEP THREE: Purchase Materials
Please pay attention here as there are TWO options for purchasing materials.
If you already have the materials, you are a rockstar and I hope you have completed the group with me before - I am thrilled to have you back. Sit back and wait for your welcome email for this new group. It will arrive a week before our official start date.
Please select ONE of the following options...when you buy these, they are YOURS for LIFE!
These are affiliate links so I can help make sure you order the right materials and track your order.
1. Online Program
The 21DSD program can be purchased completely online or with the books as the Plus or Premium packages. The online program has MANY more resources outside of the books and the Premium package is recommended for maximum support and optimal success.
You will be redirected to the 21DSD website.
2. Books Only
The 21-Day Sugar Detox Guidebook is required to complete the program in our group. The cookbook can be purchased for additional delicious recipes, but not required. You will not have access to the online program with these purchases.
You will be redirected to Amazon.com
High Five!
Now that you have registered, paid, and purchased your materials, you are so ready for this detox to begin! Look for a welcome email from me about a week before our start date with further details. If you have any questions leading up to the detox, please message me and I will be more than happy to help you!
Feel free to share the image below on social media if you think you have any friends that would like to join you! #bettertogether. Use the #21DSDCoachKate. I have found that participants have a better rate of being successful if they have at least 1 other friend in the program to use as an accountability partner!